The cats went head to head in an intellectual photo shoot and Tiger was the first cat to be eliminated.
on this all new season she has been brought back due to popular demand!
The decision to bring Tiger back to the competition was due to false allegations of illegal drug use (the roids were by prescription). Plus the cats need a full portfolio before eliminations can start, and Tiger's portfolio was much smaller because she was added into the competition late.
Harris: "I don't really think it's very fair that Tiger is back in the competition, I mean that just makes the competition tougher and I KNOW that she just doesn't have a passion for modeling. Plus she was on drugs."
Cats, today your photo shoot will be a group shot for the final photo. We will shoot you all individually and choose your best shot, but put together a composite which may not necessary have your best shot in it. So, this is not only about looking good when you are alone in a photo, but about standing out while in a group photo. And to make it even tougher-all the shots will be nude.
The cats share their thoughts about this weeks photo shoot:
Boo: "I'm actually pretty worried about this shoot because the competition is just to tough and I HAVE to win Top Cat. Modeling is my passion."
Tiger: "I personally love nude shoots but I just hope there are treats on set. Also I really hope Harris f***s up"
Harris: "I had best photo last week so I'm just hoping to get it again this week."
Cats, You know our prizes: a contract with one of the best modeling agencies is the entire world, Elite Cat Management, a cover and 6 page spread in Catmopolitian magazine and a $100,000 contract with Clawnique Cosmetics.
You know our judges: Miss J Catlexander, runway diva coach extraordinaire. Nigel Pawrker, noted fashion photographer, and Pawlina Pawrizkova, legendary supermodel.
First we will look at each of your individual shots end then at the final panoramic.
Tiger, you're up first. Let's see your best shot:

Nigel: "This is actually very nice. You had a feeling in you and you went for it and it really shows through in your photo. I can really feel the emotion. Nice work.
J. Catlexander: "Girrrl you worked it!"
Pawlina: "It was a great decision to bring you back on top cat-this is phenomenal. I'm interested to see what you look like in the final work."
Tiger, this shot is amazing. You just have this emotion in your eyes, like you are proud to be who you are. What were you going for in this photo?
Tiger: "Honestly? I thought I saw a steak across the room. BUT, I could say that I just really wanted to show how proud I was to not be pure bred, and that we are amazing cats too."
Ok...Tiger, my concern with you is that every week the photographer tells me that you are difficult to work with which could be a problem in the cat modeling world. You need to work on that.
Tiger: "Whatever. Thanks."
Boo you're up next. Let's see your best shot:

Pawlina: "Boo, this isn't your best work. You need to learn how to find the light because with your face if you're not careful you lose the light and it's hard to see your face."
Nigel: "It's nice but not fantastic. In this stage of the competition I think we are expecting a little more from you."
Boo, the judges are confused. The photographer always says how easy you are to work with and that you're such a pleasure on set but you don't always deliver. You have the personality, passion and the body- but we can't tell if you just get lucky sometimes or if you have a natural talent.
Boo: "I will try harder. Thank you."
Last up, Harris. Let's see your best shot:

Nigel: "I quite like it. It's spunky and has personality."
Pawlina: "I enjoy the personality that shows, however you need to watch your tail. It almost looks as if it is cut off."
J. Catlexander: "Girrrrl. I mean boyy. Me-ow!"
Harris, this is a great picture. You have once again delivered, but like Pawlina said-be sure to be aware of every part of your body. Model head to paws.
Harris: "Thank you"
Now we will take a look at the final panoramic:

Quick critiques:
Boo- you get kind of lost in this photo. You are in it twice and both times there is just nothing special about the pose or facial expression.
Tiger-You are only in this once, but you just look heroic and I think you really bring the photo together.
Harris-Your best individual photo is actually in this and I think it kind of saves you. You other one has personality but it's just not the best expression for you.
Now we will not be eliminating anyone tonight, but I will be calling your names in order of best photo to worst. The eliminations in the future will be based on these rankings.
The first name I'm going to call is the winner of best photo and this photo will be displayed in your home as digital art.
Tiger: "Wow...I never expected to get best photo. Thanks I guess."
The next name I'm going to call is runner up for best photo.
Harris: "Thank you. I'll work harder."
Boo, you are the only one left which mean you are in the bottom of this week. You can still turn your portfolio around but you will need to work hard.
Boo, where was your head? You have to focus and get in the game, you are not retired yet but you are shooting like the show is over!!