Previously on
The cats learned a valuable lesson of always looking your best. Some drama unfolded between Harris and Tiger regarding a relationship with Boo. No one was sent home, and 3 remain in the hope of becoming
Tonight one cat will be sent home, so performance in the photo shoot today is of extra importance.
Cats, today your photo shoot is of an intellectual theme. Top models are often stereotyped for being stupid, so this photo shoot will bring awareness that top cats can be smart too. You will each have 50 frames, 25 of which will be in the clothing, and 25 nude.
The cats share their thoughts with the camera before the photo shoot:
Harris: “I’m a little worried about being nude, especially since I’m the only boy cat. But, I understand that a top cat needs to do whatever it takes, and I’m willing to do just that.”
Boo: “I’m a little nervous for this shoot because I want to win this competition so badly. I get so much crap about being plus sized and not pure bred…I need to show the world that I can be a top model too!”
Tiger: “I’ll be honest, the only thing I’m worried about is there not being any catnip on set.
Drama in the house:
It has been brought to Boo and Harris’ attention that Tiger is taking drugs, specifically steroids. Tiger had an episode of roid rage causing Boo and Harris to question Tiger’s place in this competition. Could this affect the judges’ decision during panel? Stay tuned to find out…
You know our judges: Miss J Catlexander, runway diva coach extraordinaire. Nigel Pawrker, noted fashion photographer, and Pawlina Pawrizkova, legendary supermodel.
Boo, you're up first...let's see your best shot:

Nigel: "Everything works...the tie, the shirt, the angles. Very nice."
The photographer said that she had a little trouble with you give some attitude in the beginning, but you soon stepped up to top model potential. You're film was pretty good, but it might not be good enough. You will need to step it up a bit if you survive this round of the competition.
Boo: "Thank you"
Tiger, you're up...let's see your best shot:

Nigel: "I'm very surprised that you came through with an amazing shot...very, very nice."
Tiger, your film was great. The nude shots were fantastic, but the clothes ones were just mediocre. As a top cat, you need to be able to do both. The photographer commented on your enthusiasm on set...she was very impressed with you.
Harris, let's see your best shot:

Nigel: "Every week you deliver a fantastic photo, and you've done it again."
Harris, your film blew me away. Both your nude and clothed shots were great, and I even had a hard time picking a favorite.
Harris: "Thanks"
As you know, tonight will be the first elimination. You all did a great job in this shoot, so the decision made tonight will be a very difficult one. You all have the potential to be a top cat. When I call you back I will announce which one of you will not continue on in the hope of becoming America's Next Top Cat.
I have 3 absolutely beautiful cats standing in front of me, but I only have 2 photos in my paws. And these photos represent to 2 of you that are still in the running toward becoming America's Next Top Cat.
The first name I'm going to call:
Congratulations, you're still in the running in becoming America's Next Top cat.
Harris: "Thank you so much!!!"
Will Boo and Tiger please step forward.
I only have one photo in my paws, and this photo represents the cat who will still be in the running toward becoming America's Next Top Cat. The cat that I do not call, must immediately return to your loft, pack your litter, and go home.
Tiger, you walked in here and all the judges said wow, what an amazing beautiful cat. But the judges have seen something else, a cat who can perform, but only on her own terms.
And Boo, you sit in front of me and you're absolutely beautiful...but sometimes that doesn't translate into film. These judges behind me aren't sure if you can consistently deliver a photo at the right angle for your body type.
....pulls out photo....
Boo, I think you can do it. Congratulations, you're still in the running toward becoming America's Next Top Cat.
Tiger, you have the potential, but the judges just didn't think you wanted it badly enough. You're a great model, and I'm sure you can go far with it if you just keep trying.
Tiger: "I'm a little upset about going home, but I'm not sure being a top cat was the thing for me. I hope Boo wins the competition because Harris is a *#$&#"
Stay tuned for our next episode...who will become America's Next Top Cat??