Previously on America's Next Top Cat...
Tiger was added to the competition making the photo shoot more intense. The three cats faced off in an Easter photo shoot- all getting praise from the judges. No one has been eliminated, and the question still remains...who will be America's Next Top Cat??
Drama in the house:
Although previously kept secret, Boo and Tiger have a long history that dates well before appearing on America's Next Top Cat. They have been in a committed lesbian relationship for around 14 years. Tiger, being a new contestant on America's Next Top Cat, was NOT happy to see that Boo and Harris' relationship is, well, a little friendly.
Boo: "I've been with Tiger for pretty much my whole life, but what she doesn't realize is that before I had her I was with a boy Siamese. That's right, I haven't always been a lesbian. I mean, I love Tiger and everything but I don't see what's wrong with wanting to experiment with someone else."
Tiger's statement can't be published due to the amount of profanity in it.
Cats, instead of a traditional photo shoot this week, you will be tested on a very valuable lesson in becoming a top cat. You must always look your best, no matter what the occasion. You never know when the paparazzi will be lurking around the corner to snap an unflattering shot of you in a swim suit.
You know our prizes, a contract with one of the best modeling agencies is the entire world, Elite Cat Management, a cover and 6 page spread in Catmopolitian magazine, and a $100,000 contract with Clawnique Cosmetics.
You know our judges: Miss J Catlexander, runway diva coach extraordinaire. Nigel Pawrker, noted fashion photographer, and Pawlina Pawrizkova, legendary supermodel.
So this week, we had the paparazzi follow you for a couple of days. Instead of being judged on your best photo, you will be judged on your worst.
Tiger, you're up first.
Pawlina: "It's not quite as bad as I expected. You should know better than to walk around with your mouth open...that's not top cat behavior."
Nigel: "It could be worse."
Tiger: "Thanks."
Harris, you're up. Let's see your worst shot:
Pawlina: "...What were you even doing? You knew the paparazzi was around..."
Harris: "I didn't like that thing on my neck. It had to come off, and my lack of opposable thumbs makes that difficult sometimes."
Nigel: "As a top cat, you will be asked to be dressed in uncomfortable things, and you are going to have to just deal with it."
Boo, it's your turn for judging. Let's see your worst shot:

The judges are speechless.
I hope the three of you have learned a very important lesson today, always keep your guard up...especially you, Boo.
No one will have to pack their litter and go home tonight, so the competition is still on. Who will become...America's Next Top Cat??