You know our prizes, a contract with one of the best modeling agencies is the entire world, Elite Cat Management, a cover and 6 page spread in Catmopolitian magazine, and a $100,000 contract with Clawnique Cosmetics.
You know our judges: Miss J Catlexander, runway diva coach extraordinaire. Nigel Pawrker, noted fashion photographer, and Pawlina Pawrizkova, legendary supermodel.
Boo, you're up first, let's see your best shot:

Pawlina: "I think you could have done a lot more with this don't look happy to be there."
Nigel: "There's something missing in your just aren't communicating with the camera, which is very important."
Boo, I'm a little confused by your performance during this photo shoot. You're film wasn't very good. You need to make sure you smile with your eyes, because if your eyes are lost, your whole face gets lost. There also seems to be a lack of passion for modeling this week.
Boo: "Thank you, and I just want you all to know that modeling is my dream and my passion, and I promise I'll do better on my next photo shoot."
Harris, you're up next. Let's see your best shot:

Pawlina: "The face is very strong in this shot, and I really like how you are interacting with the props. Great job."
Nigel: "You were fantastic on set, had a great attitude, and delivered a great picture. Stunning."
Miss J: "I can really see that passion, girl!"
Harris, your film blew me away. You did so many different poses and facial expressions that I had a hard time choosing which one I liked best. This is your best week by far, and I hope these performances are more than just a fluke. You have the potential to become a Top Cat.
Harris: "Thank You"
It is too early to tell who will become America's Next Top Cat, but one of you will eventually have to pack your litter and go home. Until then....who will be...America's Next Top Cat??